
Jeeva Jyothi recruit mostly its staff through advertising in the local news papers its conducts written test and oral interview for selecting candidates. It has well laid out criteria for the qualifications and experiences.

All the new recruit are subject to rigorous training where they are told about the mission, vision, organizational structure processes and procedures. After that they are provided with job description.

1.1 Purpose
From the time of contract, each employee will have access to this policy, so that he/she can adhere to it with full knowledge and information.
The policies described below may at any time be subject to modification if the Board of Members of NGO deems it necessary. In such cases, employees will be fully informed of the changes made.
1.2 Categories of Personnel
All personnel working for NGO are classified into following types
1.2.1 Employees
Employees designate salaried individuals are given ongoing assignments, either part-time or full-time, and are paid on monthly basis. They will be contracted on yearly basis subject to periodic evaluations and performance assessments. They will have the responsibility towards the day to day functioning and/or in any one of more ongoing/prospective projects of the organization.
All the employees of the organization are classified into Management Category, Professional Category and Support Categories.
1.2.2 Consultants
Consultants are professional experts hired by NGO on short-term basis only for the completion of specific tasks and assignments related to NGO or one or more of its projects. Separate and limited contracts, defining their job description, timeline, deliverables, reporting procedures and payment details will be issued to consultants. They will be paid on daily/monthly/weekly basis depending upon the nature of their assignment. They will not be considered as full-time or part-time employees of the organization.
1.3 Personnel Files
The Organization maintains personal files for each employee. Personnel File are maintained for each employee of JEEVA JYOTHI Organization. These personnel files contain confidential documents and are managed and maintained by Human Resources staff.
1.3.1 Personal Records
JEEVA JYOTHI Maintains personal records of all employees. During appointment of the employee the photo copies of qualifications and experience are collected along with their joining report and they will be kept in their files.
1.4. Appointment Letter and Staff Orientation
1.4.1 Appointment Letter
Any personnel employed with NGO will be issued an appointment letter prior to his/her employment by NGO. The appointment letter will officially announce his/her position within the organization, the place of assignment and the effective date of employment. The appointment letter will carry annexes, specifying the employee’s job description, terms of reference, salary and benefits and other relevant terms of employment.
1.4.2 Probationary Period
A probation period of three months shall apply to all new employees from the date of hire. Exceptionally, the probation period may be extended to six months. In case, if a new employee fails to perform in accordance to expectations of NGO staff/board, he/she will be given a notice, terminating the contract at the end of the probationary period.
1.4.3 Staff orientation
All new employees will get an orientation about the organization’s mission and strategies, its structure and the staff within it, the policies and conditions of employment, the internal rules and regulations, etc.
1.4.4 Remuneration
NGO believes in attracting and retaining a qualified and effective workforce through a system of payment that is both appealing and fair. All employees of NGO are entitled to salary, depending upon their skills, qualification, experience and as per the guidelines of funding agencies. Salary will be mentioned in the appointment letter.
1.4.5 Working Days and Hours Working Days
NGO will follow a 6 days a week working schedule from Monday to Saturdays and Sunday considered non-working day.
Unless otherwise specified, NGO will observe the same public holidays as those prescribed by the Government not exceeding 12 days a year. The President will prepare a calendar of public holidays not exceeding 12 calendar days at the beginning of each fiscal year and circulate it to all staff. Office Hours
The office shall open from 09.30 am in the morning till 05.30 in the evening. All employees are expected to complete 8 working hours daily. There will be one hour lunch-break.
1.6 Travel Rules & Regulations
1.6.1 Travel
Staff members may be asked to travel away from their usual workplaces on authorized missions. The policy on payment of travel allowances adopted NGO applies to all employees regardless of job category or status. It also applies to the consultants, when mentioned in their agreement.
After reimbursable expenses are made, the person making an expense claim shall use the appropriate forms available.
The expenses will not be reimbursed if proper justifying documents (original receipts) are not attached except for per diem.
1.6.2 Mode of Transport
NGO will pay only surface transport as far as possible, i.e. Train/bus. If any individual is using personal vehicle for NGO related work, they can be reimbursed the actual fuel cost based upon the mileage. Some maintenance will also be awarded if required. However, the private transport must be shared by more than one NGO member or employee.
1.7 Leave and Holidays
1.7.1 Leave
All employees of NGO are entitled to 12 working days off as paid leave per year. This leave is accured monthly at the rate of 1.5 working days.
1.7.2 Holidays
All employees are entitled to 12 days of paid leave due to public holidays. Public holidays are specified in advance by the President in consultation with staff members.
Employees who are required to work on public holidays are entitled to compensatory day off. NGO will keep records of number of hours/days worked by its employees on public holidays. Request for compensatory leave shall be substantiated with this record and approved in advance by the President.
1.8. Absences
- An employee who is unable to come to the office is required to notify the office of the reason for his/her absence.
- Unauthorized absences are grounds for disciplinary action. The following procedures shall apply:
- i. An employee that has been absent for two consecutive working days without notice nor explanation shall be personally sought of by the President. He/she shall be asked to put in writing the reason(s) for his/her absence.
- ii. If, after seven consecutive days of absence, the employee continues to fail to give any explanation of the cause of his/her absence, the employee will be considered to have resigned from his/her position.
- iii. In cases where the employee cannot give any satisfactory answer to the cause of his/her absences, in the judgment of the President, the employee may be subjected to disciplinary action.
1.9 Staff Movement
(1) Assignments and Transfers
According to project needs, any employee can be transferred temporarily or permanently to any location where NGO conducts its activities.
A permanent transfer to a new place of work that includes a new job mandate shall result in a contract renewal.
(2) Interim positions and promotions
An employee may be called on to temporarily perform a job in a higher category. That does not automatically give him the right to the salary and benefits of this position. However, after a reasonable amount of time, NGO shall reclassify the employee in the category of the new job or return him/her to his/her former duties.
An employee who receives a promotion can be required to complete a trial period in the new position. If the trial period is successfully concluded, the employee will be reclassified in the new job category and at a salary scale level higher than his former position. If the trial period is not satisfactorily completed, the employee will be reinstated in a position at the same level as his former position.
1.10. DISCIPLINE (Progressive Discipline)
Progressive discipline is a process for dealing with job-related behavior that does not meet expected and communicated performance standards. The primary purpose for progressive discipline is to assist the employee to understand that a performance problem or opportunity for improvement exists.
The process features increasingly formal efforts to provide feedback to the employee so that he or she can correct the problem. The goal of progressive discipline is to improve employee performance.
The process of progressive discipline is not intended as a punishment for an employee, but to assist the employee to overcome performance problems and satisfy job expectations. Progressive discipline is most successful when it assists an individual to become an effectively performing member of the organization.
Failing that, progressive discipline enables the organization to fairly, and w i t h substantial documentation, terminate the employment of employees who are ineffective and unwilling to improve, Typical Jeeva Jyothi in a progressive discipline system may include these.
Counseling the employee about performance and ascertain his or her understanding of requirements. Ascertain whether there are any issues contributing lo the poor performance that are not immediately obvious to the supervisor. These issues are solved, if possible.
The employee will be verbally reprimanded for poor performance.
Written warning will be given to the employee, in an effort to improve employee performance. Providing an escalating number of days In which the employee is suspended from work. Start with one day and escalate to five. Ending the employment of an individual who refuses to improve.
1.11. Employees Termination
1.11.1 Conditions for Termination
Employees shall lose their jobs under any of the following conditions:
(1) Voluntary Resignation
i. Personnel wishing to resign from post may do so by giving a resignation letter to the Executive Director stating the reasons for resignation and effective date of the same. Three months of prior notice is required for such resignations.
ii. The date in which the resignation letter is received at the NGO office is considered the date on which notice of resignation is given. Failure to provide sufficient notice may be ground for forfeiture of all accrued employee benefits.
The employee will be relived If anybody gets Government job, any other job for which they get more salary than what they are drawing now, If the health condition will not permit to work and on production of medical certificate, any other genuine cause the organization believes, if get married not willing to work.
If they will not full fill the above conditions the employees will be relieved after repaying two months of salary to the organization.
(2) Redundancy of the Position
Depending on the nature and volume of its operation, NGO may declare certain positions redundant. Persons occupying those positions will therefore be forced to be separated from NGO with proper notice. While doing so, NGO will give at least 2 months notice in advance.
(3) Termination with Cause Grounds for employee termination are the following
i. continuing inefficiency and gross negligence of duty.
ii. fund embezzlement.
iii. Misuse of office equipment, and other properties.
iv. repeated unauthorized absences and leaves
v. intoxication while on official business or within office premises
vi. unauthorized disclosure of official information