About us

About Us

Jeeva Jyothi was founded in 1994 by four enthusiastic social activists who came together to bring ethical changes in the lives of the children in difficult circumstances especially children in the streets and working children.
Initially, work started in a village called Kosappur where youth were motivated to become volunteers of Jeeva Jyothi and were sensitized about child labour. Jeeva Jyothi’s activities in Pammadu Kulam focused on the children of Rag picking community. The programme covered the
activities like supplementary education classes, Non-formal education classes, medical assistance, school enrollment, awareness programmes, Creative camps, Street theatre programmes, Home placement, vocational training, job placement, folk arts training and sports. More than 30,000 street and working children were covered in North Chennai through Jeeva Jyothi’s intervention.
Jeeva Jyothi has initiated a Children assistance booth at Perambur Railway station, through which many run away children were reached. These children were reintegrated with their families and the children who were not willing to go to their families were admitted in children homes.

Our Approach


Integrated Community




Our Mision
- To work for the total elimination of child labour in all forms and all sectors.
- To support the marginalized communities in their struggle to get organized.
- To be a catalyst in protecting and promoting the rights of the children at all levels.
- To support the secondary duty bearers in the protection and promotion of child rights.
- To support the differently-abled towards inclusive growth.
- To gather the unorganized workers for their rights and dignity.
- To develop sustainable social development intervention models.
- To build alliances at the local, regional, national and international level for the better interest of the marginalized communities.
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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.

- To work for the total elimination of child labour in all forms and all sectors.
- To support the marginalized communities in their struggle to get organized.
- To be a catalyst in protecting and promoting the rights of the children at all levels.
- To support the secondary duty bearers in the protection and promotion of child rights.
- To support the differently-abled towards inclusive growth.
- To gather the unorganized workers for their rights and dignity.To gather the unorganized workers for their rights and dignity.
- To develop sustainable social development intervention models.
- To build alliances at the local, regional, national and international level for the better interest of the marginalized communities.

Founder and Director


We Make A Future
Our History
Jeeva Jyothi was founded in 1994 with 4 enthusiastic social activists coming together to bring about ethical changes in the lives of the children in difficult circumstances especially children in the streets and working children. While visiting the villages in Kosappur, it was observed that the youth in that area were taking tuition for the children. After a discussion with them, they joined as volunteers in Jeeva Jyothi and received appropriate training and were sensitized on the issues related to children who were rag pickers, tea shop cleaners, hotel servers, working in hazardous jobs in chemical companies, lathe, colour powder companies, working in cemetery etc. At that point, main focus was on children and their families who were rap pickers in Pammadu Kulam area. While picking the rags they were bitten by dogs, chased by the dwellers and other local rowdies. Hence it was pertinent to reach out to these vulnerable people.
Later Jeeva Jyothi’s programmes and activities was extended to supplementary education classes, Non formal education classes, medical assistance, school enrollment, awareness programmes, creative camps, Street theatre programmes, home placement, vocational trainings, job placement, folk arts training, educational sports etc. Through these interventions it was able to reach out to 12000 children in North Chennai. Jeeva Jyothi was recognized as a committed NGO among all NGOs for its effective intervention and dedicated work among the street and working children. It was the Convener and co-ordinating agency for the CHENNAI NGO forum, TN NGO Forum for street and working children and other networks.
Counselling was given to women who were referred by Railway Police and efforts were made to reunite them to the families and some were referred to NGOs working for women. While working for children, Jeeva Jyothi came across many orphan children who needed proper care and support. Hence it started a Children’s home in Perambur and accommodated around 25 such children who were also enrolled in formal schools. Later the shelter home was moved to Budur in Sothupaakam Road near Red hills which could accommodate more children and facilities.
Jeeva Jyothi initiated a Children assistance booth at Perambur Railway station, thus reaching out to many run way children. These children were reintegrated with their families and those who were not willing to get back to their families were admitted in children’s homes. Women who were referred by the railway police for support were provided counselling, reunited them with their families and also referred to NGOs working for women.
While working with children it was observed that many orphan children were in need of proper care and support. Hence a Children’s home was started in Perambur with about 25 children. All the children were enrolled in formal schools. Since the premises in Perambur was not adequate for the children, the home was moved to Budhur in Sothupaakham Road near Redhills.
Jeeva Jyothi then started working with the Migrant Bonded Labourers in the Rice Mills and Brick Kilns in and around Redhills area of Thiruvallur District. It identified many child labourers along with their families. Thus, it started the intervention in Redhills addressing the needs of the migrant bonded labouers. During the process, it was clear that ensuring the rights of the children will not be possible unless their parents are freed from the bonded labour situation. This led to numerous legal interventions with the support of District Administration and State Human Rights Commission. Bridge School for the Child Labourers, Children Manimanram for the mainstreamed children, Child Rights Monitoring Committee for bringing together all stake holders together for the promotion of child rights, Day Care Centre for the Children of Migrant Labourers living in Rice Mills are some of the major interventions taken up for the promotion of child rights..
Jeeva Jyothi also worked for environment protection and promotion. Many programmes and camps were conducted on environmental issues including preserving nature, reuse and recycle. Tree plantation in working areas and schools and awareness programmes on environment protection were conducted. The intervention encouraged Jeeva Jyothi to establish a Handmade Paper Training cum Production unit at Kosappur in 1999. The unit is recognized by the Khadi Village Industries Commission (KVIC). The main aim of the unit is to recycle the used papers and to provide job opportunity for the women and the youth in the local community.
Community Action for Health under National Rural Health mission was implemented through Jeeva Jyothi as a pilot project in Gummidipoondi and Minjur since 2008. Since 2012, Jeeva Jyothi has been appointed as the Support Organisation for Childline 1098 in Thiruvallur District. Jeeva Jyothi has been working with the differently able through Community Based Rehabilitation Project for the Persons with Disabilities from ___. Regular trainings on various issues, govt. schemes, folk arts etc. are being provided to children and staff.