
Supplementary Education
Jeeva Jyothi has been supporting the children who are weak in studies through supplementary education. These centers are run in the evening for the school-going children by guiding them through their academic subjects so as to improve their performance. They are also oriented about child rights and provided opportunities to participate in sports. So far JJ has reached out to __ children. At present it runs 5 centers, reaching and covering about 200 children with educational support, teaching materials, covid protection kits, and dry rations to their families. Smartphones were also made available at the centers, thus providing access to online classes.

Mani Mandram
Jeeva Jyothi has established outstanding models of 5 Children Manimandrams (CM) with 12 members in each. The members meet regularly on the 2nd Saturday of the month and discuss children’s issues. Around 125 children have so far been trained on their role and responsibilities as members, child rights, savings, the importance of education, protecting the environment, etc.

Day care Center
Jeeva Jyothi runs two day care centers to support the children between the age group of one to five. Children are provided basic education, nutritious food, and health care. After they complete five years, they are enrolled in the schools. The centers are helpful to the parents of these children, who mostly work in rice mills and are unable to take care of their children during their work hours. The DCCs have so far reached out to 3500 children over the years. The DCC in Kattunayakan Nagar at present supports 22 children of the tribal community who are involved in rag picking, false hair collection, bucket mending, and pig rearing. The DCC in Periyar Nagar at present supports 17 children belonging to migrant families who work in rice mills.

Shelter Home
Jeeva Jyothi runs two shelter homes. The main objective of the shelter care activity is to provide a safe and healthy environment for children who are parentless or for those who are in difficult circumstances, deprived of their basic needs of education, nutritious food, and parental care. Children are produced before the Child Welfare Committee before admitting them to the shelter homes. The shelter home provides shelter care, educational support, nutritious food, health care, psychosocial support, awareness and training on child rights, saving, protection of the environment, folk arts, yoga, judo, karate, and other sports. After completion of schooling, children are guided for higher education. The homes have so far touched the lives of about 550 children. Ananda Illam Shelter Home in Budhur, established in 2000, supports semi-orphans and children from difficult circumstances irrespective of religion, gender, disability, culture, and language through residential care, education support, nutrition, health care, and overall development. At present the home supports 18 boys. Shelter Home in Thiruvanmiyur supports homeless boys from 2020 through GCC by providing safe shelter, education, and food and also encourages children’s participation in extracurricular activities. At present the home supports 29 boys.